I had the opportunity to write a detailed explanation of E problem of AtCoder Beginner Contest 177. The result was unexpectedly good, so I will summarize it as an article.
From Problem, the focus can be divided into three in the following order.
From now on, we will look at these three in more detail.
Ask honestly in all cases.
N.times do |i|
N.times do |j|
if A[i].gcd(A[j]) != 1 then
is_pairwise_coprime = false
Due to the constraint, $ 2 ≤ N ≤ 10 ^ 6 $, so the maximum is $ O (10 ^ {12}) $ and the execution time limit of 2 seconds cannot be met.
Note here that the greatest common divisor of any combination is 1
This is paraphrased that any combination of integers $ (A_i, A_j) $ is relatively prime.
Therefore, all N integers are factorized into prime factors, and if the same prime factors do not appear, this holds, and pairwise coprime
is output.
This is O (N) even if it is turned honestly, so there is no room for consideration.
res = a[0]
a.each do |elm|
res = res.gcd(elm)
When 1 does not hold and res == 1
, setwise coprime
should be output.
Then, when none of 3. is true, not coprime
is output.
From this, 1 is the main consideration.
Ruby has a prime module, which can be factored into prime factors from Prime.prime_division
Reference: Play with prime numbers in Ruby (prime module)
This seems to be easy to solve.
Not in time. Then what should we do.
It is the quickest to have a look at Eratosthenes Sieve and Fast Prime Factorization, but I will explain it in my own way here as well.
This is an algorithm that factores positive integers less than or equal to N ($ A_ {max} $ in this case) into prime factors. After preprocessing ($ O (log log N)
In summary,
--Prime factorization of positive integers --Perform preprocessing to find the smallest prime factor --High-speed prime factorization using the preprocessed results
Is an algorithm
Find the smallest prime factor min_factor for integers (1 ~ N) less than or equal to $ N = A_ {max} $. In the application of the Eratosthenes sieve, look at multiples k of i (= 2 ~ $ \ sqrt {N} $) in order, and if i is smaller than the value contained in k, enter i.
Take, for example, the maximum value N = 16 of the value to be factored into prime factors.
Since $ \ sqrt {16} = 4 $, the range of i is 2 ~ 4.
Look at i in order and create an array min_factor that stores the smallest prime factors.
The last part is the array min_factor.
Please refer to the flowchart below.
The result of prime factorization is stored in result.
Since the same prime number is stored multiple times, use ʻuniq or
set` if you want only prime factors.
When the above example is applied to the above flow, it becomes as shown in the figure below.
Now I can write the code to AC.
class Osa_k
# @parm {number} n -Maximum value among the values to be factored into prime factors
def initialize(n)
@min_factor = [*0..n]
i = 2
while i * i <= n do
if @min_factor[i] == i then
j = 2
while i * j <= n do
@min_factor[i*j] = i if @min_factor[i*j] > i
j += 1
i += 1
# @parm {number} m -The value you want to factor into
# @return {array} res -Prime factor group of m
def factor(m)
res = []
tmp = m
while tmp > 1 do
res << @min_factor[tmp]
tmp /= @min_factor[tmp]
return res.uniq
MAX = 10 ** 6 + 10 #Maximum value is 10^Because it is 6
n = gets.chomp.to_i
a = gets.chomp.split.map(&:to_i)
osa_k = Osa_k.new(MAX)
res = a[0]
h = Hash.new(0) #Manage whether prime factors have already appeared using associative arrays
is_pairwise_coprime = true #Whether the first condition is met
n.times do |i|
#You don't have to do it when you find that the first condition isn't met
if is_pairwise_coprime then
osa_k.factor(a[i]).each do |num, cnt|
if h.has_key?(num) then
is_pairwise_coprime = false
h[num] += 1
res = res.gcd(a[i]) #Check the second condition
if is_pairwise_coprime then
puts "pairwise coprime"
elsif res == 1 then
puts "setwise coprime"
puts "not coprime"
Submission result: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc177/submissions/16583524
AC was possible thanks to Eratosthenes sieve and fast prime factorization. I would like to thank you here.
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