[JAVA] Try using libGDX



--I'm not thinking about installing it on mobile. (If necessary, you need to install the Android SDK and other plugins)

Creating a project

--You can create a project from the command line by executing the command described below. --At this point, I didn't know how to exclude ios-moe, so if you want to exclude it, I recommend you to create it from the GUI.

java -jar gdx-setup.jar

--Project generation from command line

Usage: GdxSetup --dir <dir-name> --name <app-name> --package <package> --mainClass <mainClass> --sdkLocation <SDKLocation> [--excludeModules <modules>] [--extensions <extensions>]

dir ... the directory to write the project files to
name ... the name of the application
package ... the Java package name of the application
mainClass ... the name of your main ApplicationListener
sdkLocation ... the location of your android SDK. Uses ANDROID_HOME if not specified. Ignored if android module is excluded
excludeModules ... the modules to exclude on the project generation separated by ';'. Optional
extensions ... the extensions to include in the project separated by ';'. Optional

--Execution example

java -jar ../tool/gdx-setup.jar --dir ./ --name sample01 --package com.sample.game --mainClass GameMain --sdkLocation /dummy --excludeModules android;Ios;Ios-moe;Html

Import to eclipse

./gradlew eclipse

Execution method

./gradlew run

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