[JAVA] Try using PowerMock's WhiteBox

table of contents

  1. Procedure for building an environment for using PowerMock
  2. Mock and Spy in PowerMock
  3. Mock static methods with PowerMock
  4. Mock the constructor with PowerMock
  5. Mock private methods with PowerMock
  6. Try using PowerMock's WhiteBox ← Now here
  7. Disable static initializer in PowerMock


In Java, you can use a feature called reflection to manipulate visibility to get values for private fields and access private methods.

PowerMock provides these features in the WhiteBox class. (Reflection is used internally.)

Target class


public class SampleEm {

	private String field = null;

	public SampleEm(String filed) {

	public String getField() {
		return field;

	private void setField(String filed) {
		this.field = filed;

Example of use

Get the value of a private field

getInternalState (instance, field name string)

public void test_getInternalState() throws Exception {
	SampleEm em = new SampleEm("value");
	//Get the value of a private field
	String field = Whitebox.getInternalState(em, "field");

Set a value in the private field

setInternalState (instance, field name string, set value)

public void test_setInternalState() throws Exception {
	SampleEm em = new SampleEm("value");
	//Set a value in the private field
	Whitebox.setInternalState(em, "field", "newValue");

Call a private method

ʻInvokeMethod (instance, method name string, argument, ...) `

public void test_invokeMethod() throws Exception {
	SampleEm em = new SampleEm("value");
	//Call a private method
	Whitebox.invokeMethod(em, "setField", "newValue");

Various other methods are provided.

You can access private fields / methods using reflection with your own code, but I think the advantage is that you can keep the test code simple by using Whitebox.

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