Sample to create PDF from Excel with Ruby


Nowadays, it is common to create a program that extracts and organizes list-format information written in EXCEL and outputs it as PDF in form format. Before I forget, I want to describe the essence of the program.

Program overview

Read the list listed in EXCEL Create the following PDF files for the number of people in the list at once.

Click here for GitHub, a set of execution environment


Development environment


  1. EXCEL list
  2. Background image
  3. Japanese font
  4. Create a project
  5. Program code creation

1. EXCEL list

Create the following EXCEL file

--Filename and bus ./infiles/members.xlsx

--Sheet name 2021 message image.png

Column name Use
A Surname Output to card
B Name Output to card
C last name Used for file name
D first name Used for file name
E message Output to card

Sample name created with gem gimei

2. Background image

Prepare an image file with the following name ./infiles/background.png


3. Japanese font

Download Japanese fonts for PDF output Put it in ./infiles/ipam.ttf

4. Project creation

Use bundler (fixed version, not required)


% bundle init

Add the following to the generated Gemfile


gem "roo", "~> 2.8.0"
gem "prawn", "~> 2.3.0"

Install below

% bundle install

Gemfile.lock is created

5. Program code creation


#Collect gems in Gemfile
require 'bundler'

excel_path = './infiles/members.xlsx'
book =

#Specify the sheet name(Not required)
sheet = book.sheet('2021 message')

#Confirmation of the last column and last row that exist
puts "Last column number: #{sheet.last_column}Last line number: #{sheet.last_row}"
# 'B3'Sheet to refer to a cell.cell(3, 2) or sheet.cell(3, 'B')

#Loop in the number of rows of the sheet. First line skipped as header
(2..sheet.last_row).each do |idx|

  #PDF initialization
  # A6(Postcard size)Sideways, no border
  pdf =
    page_size: "A6", page_layout: :landscape,
    top_margin: 0, bottom_margin: 0, left_margin: 0, right_margin: 0)

  #Loading Japanese fonts
  pdf.font "./infiles/ipam.ttf"

  #Background image Placed without borders
  pdf.image("./infiles/background.png ", at: [0,pdf.cursor])

  #Define drawing area
  pdf.bounding_box([10, pdf.cursor-10], width: 500) do
    # 'B3'Sheet to refer to a cell.cell(3, 2) or sheet.cell(3, 'B')

    sei = sheet.cell(idx, "A")
    mei = sheet.cell(idx, "B")
    pdf.text "#{sei} #{mei}Mr.", color: "ffffff"

    pdf.move_down 15
    greet = "happy New Year"
    pdf.text greet, color: "ffffff"

    pdf.move_down 15
    message = sheet.cell(idx, "E")
    pdf.text message, color: "c9dfed"

    puts  " -- [#{idx}] #{sei} #{mei}Mr. msg: #{message}"

  pdf.bounding_box([165, pdf.cursor-80], width: 500) do
    pdf.text "Year of ox",  color: "ff75b1"

  #PDF save file name"outfiles/last_first.pdf"
  file_name = "./outfiles/#{sheet.cell(idx,"C")}_#{sheet.cell(idx,"D")}.pdf"


Folder structure

├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── cows.rb (Program code)
├── infiles
│   ├── background.png (Background image file)
│   ├── ipam.ttf (Japanese font)
│   └── members.xlsx (List file)
└── outfiles
    ├── hara_suzuka.pdf (Created PDF)
    ├── .....
    └── .....

When ruby ​​is executed below, pdf is created under ./outfies/

% ruby cows.rb

Reference site

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