[RAILS] Setting to exit from Docker container with VScode


When attaching to Docker when debugging, when detaching (exiting the container) I think you should use Ctrl + P Ctrl + Q.

However, in VScode, these shortcut keys are already registered and they will be given priority. I changed the setting so that the shortcut key of VScode does not work so that it can be detached with VScodem.


If you check the shortcut, you can see that ctrl + P and ctrl + Q are already registered. スクリーンショット 2020-11-12 16.02.01.png

Describe the following in keybindings.json of VScode. (Open the file search with command + P and type> keybindings.json to open it!)

You can delete the shortcut keys of ctrl + P and ctrl + Q by adding - to the command that has already been set.


    "key": "ctrl+P",
    "command": "-workbench.action.quickOpenSelectPrevious"
    "key": "ctrl+Q",
    "command": "-workbench.action.quickOpenView"

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