[Docker] Copy files from docker container to host


There was a scene where I wanted to bring a file locally from a docker container. Make a note of what you have investigated there.


  1. Use the docker ps command to find out which docker container you want to copy the file to
  2. Copy the file from the container to the host using the docker cp command

The procedure for actually copying httpd.conf, which is the configuration file of the httpd container, from the container to the local (host) is shown as an example.

1. Find out which docker container you want to copy the file to.

Execute the following command to check the container ID.

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                               NAMES
1c8caa876b98        httpd:2-alpine         "httpd-foreground"       24 hours ago        Up 24 hours>80/tcp                fluentd_docker_httpd_1

From the above command, I found that the container ID is 1c8caa876b98.

2. Copy the file from the container to the host

Execute the following command to copy the file

//docker cp [Container ID]:[File path you want to copy] [The path you want to copy locally]
$ docker cp 1c8caa876b98:/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf conf/

$ ls conf/
./		../		httpd.conf

I was able to copy!


--Copy from docker container to host --Use docker cp command

docker cp [Container ID]:[File path you want to copy] [The path you want to copy locally]

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