Recently it became a Mac of M1 chips. I finally found docker preview 7 because all the virtual environments didn't work.
I was using preview 7 for another project, but I started working on another project and moved to docker because that project was vargrant. If you're dissatisfied, preview 7 is slow. It's several times slower than ever. Unit Test, which takes about 30 minutes, does not finish even if it takes 5 hours. I wonder if DB access is the bottleneck. It was the impression that.
Well, I will write about the part I was addicted to with Vargrant → docker.
It's actually more of a virtual environment than a vargrant setup. In the case of setting up a DB server, WEB server, and redis server with a child, there is a shell script for setting up, and apt-get will do it for you.
I thought it was Yahoo, and when I moved the shell as it was, there was a part that did not work under the docker environment. By the way, the OS is ubuntu 13? It was something like that, but by the way, it has moved to 18.
A Dockerfile is a simple one that just copies and runs the shell script.
To change the time zone
timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo
It was, but it seems that this command can not be used with docker, so
echo "Asia/Tokyo" > /etc/timezone
rm /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
I changed it.
A perl compatible regular expression engine. This guy, this guy, ubuntu18 doesn't have it. It's old and shouldn't be used. If you try to put it with apt-get,
libpcre3 is already the newest version (2:8.39-9).
I got an error and could not install.
```libpcre2-32-0```, ```libpcre2-dev```, ```libpcre++-dev```I put in.
### that's all
I've run out of libraries in the nginx build, but I'll omit that because it's neither a big deal nor interesting.
But after all, docker is slow. Is it disk access?
#### **`#10 DONE 967.5s`**
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