[Note] Flow from docker installation to JupyterLab startup on ubuntu


Install dokcer in ubuntu of VPS server and start jupyterlab


This time I prepared ubuntu environment using AWS lightsail https://qiita.com/s-inoue-git/items/1bcf1a28ed73090c3d86

table of contents

  1. docker installation
  2. Transfer Dockerfile
  3. Start container

1. Install docker

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker.io
docker --version
#Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0

If you can confirm the version information, the installation is successful!

Since it is troublesome to enter sudo for each docker command, add the user (ubuntu) to the docker group.

sudo gpasswd -a ubuntu docker
#Adding user ubuntu to group docker
#If you do not log out, the group addition will not be reflected.

2. Transfer Dockerfile

#sftp connection
sftp -i ~/.ssh/Lightsail_ubuntu_20201123.pem [email protected]
sftp> put Dockerfile

This time, I transferred the Dockerfile created in the tutorial below. https://qiita.com/s-inoue-git/items/2b5c65a1f11a1ba4a38e

3. Start container

Execute docker run command

docker run -v $(pwd)/volume:/home/work -p 8888:8888 --name anaconda-env -it anaconda-img

After that, if you change the fire wall settings so that you can access from anywhere, you will be able to access with "Public IP: Port number" This time it's for learning, so it's a security setting. .. .. image.png

If you can access jupyter-lab, you're done! image.png

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