Elmer / Ice installation (Ubuntu on WSL)

Elmer/Ice First, Elmer is a finite element method (FEM) software that solves partial differential equations. Elmer / Ice refers to a package that specializes in glacier / ice sheet flow.

When I tried to put Elmer / Ice in Windows 10 before, Elmer was put in but Elmer / Ice was not put in, so I tried it on Ubuntu on WSL. I'm still studying how to use it, so this will describe how to install Elmer / Ice. It seems that the number of people who want to calculate the flow of glaciers in Japan is extremely limited, but it is a reminder that it should be useful to someone.


Windows 10 Home 64bit Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on WSL1


https://github.com/ElmerCSC/elmerfem From here ↑, download everything and save it in an appropriate directory. (I usually want to mess with Windows after working with WSL ubuntu, and I'm tired of changing the WSL home directory, so I put everything on the D drive.)

For the time being, as I was told without thinking about anything

$ sudo apt install git cmake build-essential gfortran libopenmpi-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev

After that, I did as written and failed, so I took the following steps.

$ cd /hoge/elmerice-devel/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -S /hoge/elmerfem-devel/ -B . -DWITH_OpenMP:BOOLEAN=TRUE -DWITH_ElmerIce:BOOL=TRUE
$ make
$ sudo make install

If Elmer Solver etc. is created in `/ usr / local / bin /`, it is OK for the time being.

Looking back, it seems like this is all, but it took me some time to get to this. The installation guide on the web says `` `cmake .. -DWITH_OpenMP: BOOLEAN = TRUE```, but sometimes I refer to CMakeList somewhere else.

Also, "-DWITH_ElmerIce: BOOL = TRUE" If you don't put this in, only Elmer will come in and you won't notice until now (it's really annoying).

/usr/local/share/elmersolver/lib/Elmer Ice Solvers.Really OK with so.

## afterwards
 I have installed gmsh and Paraview. Paraview is in windows.

 After executing according to the tutorial, if you play with Paraview a little, it will make a beautiful figure. Immerse yourself in self-satisfaction.
 From now on, I would like to use this guy to deepen my understanding of glacier flow.
 I would like to have a companion to study Elmer / Ice together.

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