Set up an SSH server on WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04


I was addicted to setting up an SSH server on Ubuntu 20.04, which is WSL2, so I will introduce the solution.

What's wrong


Ignore Troubleshooting and reinsert it.

$ sudo apt purge openssh-server
$ sudo apt install openssh-server

Let's start using service instead of systemctl

$ sudo service ssh start
 * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                                                                     [ OK ]

TCP port 22 opened successfully

$ sudo ss -autoSnp
Netid   State       Recv-Q   Send-Q      Local Address:Port       Peer Address:Port   Process
tcp     LISTEN      0        128         *       users:(("sshd",pid=2067,fd=3))
tcp     LISTEN      0        128                  [::]:22                 [::]:*       users:(("sshd",pid=2067,fd=4))


No way systemctl cannot be used Was killed

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