Set up a MineCraft Paper server on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS ② Update


Said thing Set up a MineCraft Paper server on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS ①

When I wrote and uploaded this article, the version of PaperMC was up. When I asked google teacher how to update, I didn't understand well, so I will summarize what I tried in a hurry. I did not know how to do it even after checking it, so please point it out if anyone knows it.


Increase the version of paperMC (#204→#206)


What i did

Take a backup

Move to home directory


$ cd

Backup (just make a copy with cp)


$ cp -r mcp backupmcp

Erase previous paper jar


$ cd mcp


$ rm papermc.jar

Download the latest paper jar

Check the latest version URL from the HP here The following is for # 206


$ wget  -O papermc.jar

Server startup

$ ./


Patching vanilla jar...
System Info: Java 11 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.8+10-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04) Host: Linux 5.4.0-48-generic (amd64)
Loading libraries, please wait...


[12:54:00 INFO]: Done (2.580s)! For help, type "help"
[12:54:00 INFO]: Timings Reset

Check version

Command with the server running

Check version

paper version


[12:55:03 INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-206 (MC: 1.16.3) (Implementing API version 1.16.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[12:55:03 INFO]: Checking version, please wait...
[12:55:04 INFO]: Previous version: git-Paper-204 (MC: 1.16.3)
[12:55:04 INFO]: You are running the latest version

Looking at the first line, it seems to be done. I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it. If you are familiar with this, please give us information.

Delete backup

In addition, delete the backup if necessary after checking.

Go home

$ cd


$ rm -r backupmcp

in conclusion

I really didn't know how to update. Only installation methods and automation scripts come out. I don't know if it really matches, so please give me a conductor.

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