Yes, let's make a Minecraft server (Ubuntu 20.04 + Bedrock Server)

Create a Minecraft server and share the world with everyone in the company.

I also left a year-end party at Corona, and I thought that there was something that everyone in the company could enjoy, so I set up a Minecraft server.


Ubuntu preparation

There are many ways to install the OS on the web, so I will omit it.

Let's do it around.

Preparing Minecraft Server

It seems that some people have published Useful Script, so I'm grateful to use it.

Run the script as a user who can sudo.

$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Enter a short one word label for a new or existing server...
It will be used in the folder name and service name...
Server Label: [Appropriate name]
Enter server IPV4 port (default 19132): 
Server IPV4 Port: 19132
Enter server IPV6 port (default 19133): 
Server IPV6 Port: 19133
Start Minecraft server at startup automatically (y/n)? y
Automatically restart and backup server at 4am daily (y/n)? y

Router settings

Let's make holes and transfer settings so that the port entered with Server IPV4 Port / Server IPV6 Port can be accessed from the Internet.

Connect from Minecraft

After that, let's connect from Minecraft and play.

When connecting from Switch, it is recommended to refer to Around here.

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