Hello. In this series, I used Ruby and Sinatra multiple times.
--Send the ISBN code on the back of the book to search and display the image of the book --You can record the book and refer to it later.
I would like to make a LINE Bot called "Honmemo!"
This article is a sequel to Part 1. If you haven't read it yet, please read it!
In this article, I will write a program that returns search results using an API that actually returns book information. The flow of the program is as follows.
This time, we will use "openBD". openBD is an API operated by Carlyl Co., Ltd. and publisher dot com, and you can get basic information of books and shadows (cover photo).
If you pass isbn like this, an array of book data will be returned in JSON format. You can also specify multiple books by separating them with commas. Detailed API specifications can be found in OpenBD Bibliographic API Data Specifications (v1).
Basically, you can look inside the summary.
ISBN is an abbreviation for International Standard Book Number, which is a 10- or 13-digit number uniquely attached to any book. It's on the back cover of most books and is also a barcode. If it is an old book, it may be listed only in the colophon. Books have two-tiered barcodes because they are separated by ISBN code and book JAN code (product code).
Create a function to get as follows (you don't have to move the comment).
def getBookByISBN(isbn)
return nil if !isbn.match(/^(\d{10}|978\d{10})$/) #Returns nil if not in ISBN format
uri = URI.parse("https://api.openbd.jp/v1/get?isbn=" + isbn)
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) #Call the API
return nil if res.code != "200" #Returns nil if an error occurs
books = JSON.parse(res.body) #Read API results as JSON format
return nil if books.length == 0 #Returns nil if the number of applicable books is 0
return books[0] #Returns the first of the API results
Made last time
get '/' do
"Hello wolrd!"
Let's divert.
This time, I would like to make it a specification that returns the book name when /? Isbn = 978xxxxxxxxxx
is accessed.
get '/' do
book = getBookByISBN(params['isbn'])
return book['summary']['title']
Now, if you can write so far, let's access http: // localhost: {PORT} /? Isbn = {ISBN}
of your favorite book.
If the name of the book comes out, it's a success!
Recall the LINE Bot code I wrote last time.
post '/callback' do
body = request.body.read
signature = request.env['HTTP_X_LINE_SIGNATURE']
unless client.validate_signature(body, signature)
error 400 do 'Bad Request' end
events = client.parse_events_from(body)
events.each do |event|
if event.is_a?(Line::Bot::Event::Message)
if event.type === Line::Bot::Event::MessageType::Text
message = {
type: 'text',
text: event.message['text']
client.reply_message(event['replyToken'], message)
The most important of these
message = {
type: 'text',
text: event.message['text']
client.reply_message(event['replyToken'], message)
It is the part of.
This is the process to be performed when a "text message" arrives from the user.
You can get the text data sent by ʻevent.message ['text']. You can send a reply with
client.reply_message (event ['replyToken'], message)`.
Let's improve this code a bit so that we can search for books.
ʻIf event.type === Line :: Bot :: Event :: MessageType :: Rewrite the contents from Text to ʻend
as follows.
book = getBookByISBN(event.message['text']) #Search for ISBN and assign book information to a variable
messages = [] #Variables for the message to reply
if book.nil?
#If the book is empty
type: 'text',
text: 'The book was not found'
#If a book is found
type: 'text',
text: book['summary']['title']
client.reply_message(event['replyToken'], messages)
Until now, client.reply_message was passed an object with type
and text
called message, but this time I tried to pass an array containing the message object.
This will allow you to reply to multiple messages. It will be used when creating a function to reply the cover image that will appear in the next chapter!
Now, the addition of LINE Bot functions is complete! I'd like to try it immediately, but as I explained last time, I can't test it unless I deploy it. Enter the following command to deploy.
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "add search book"
$ git push heroku master
After the deployment is complete, let's send the ISBN to the LINE Bot. If the book name is returned as shown in the screenshot below, you are successful!
Next, let's add a function to return the cover image of the book.
The cover image can be obtained with book ['summary'] ['cover']
However, not all books have images, so you need to check for them.
So, let's write as follows.
book = getBookByISBN(event.message['text']) #Search for ISBN and assign book information to a variable
messages = [] #Variables for the message to reply
if book.nil?
#If the book is empty
type: 'text',
text: 'The book was not found'
#If a book is found
if !book['summary']['cover'].empty?
#If there is a cover image
type: 'image',
originalContentUrl: book['summary']['cover'],
previewImageUrl: book['summary']['cover'],
type: 'text',
text: book['summary']['title']
client.reply_message(event['replyToken'], messages)
This completes the cover image reply function! Enter the following command to deploy.
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "add cover image"
$ git push heroku master
After the deployment is complete, let's send the ISBN to the LINE Bot. If the cover image and book name are returned as shown in the screenshot below, you are successful!
It also does a simple error check, so if you send an ISBN that doesn't exist, you'll get an error back.
Also, in the case of a book without a cover image, only the title should be returned like this.
In this article, I made a bot that returns the title and image of the book based on the ISBN sent! It contains useful parts for making bots, such as sending multiple messages, so I think it's useful to remember!
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