Let's get started with Java-Create a development environment ①

Get started with Java

Use ** IDE (Integrated Development Environment) ** when building Java programs. You can use Notepad to program Java programs other than the IDE, but use this when trying out lighter programs (not suitable for large-scale programs).

Let's install the IDE

First of all, IDE is an application that allows you to write code efficiently when dealing with programs such as Java. Some are open to the public free of charge. Install with ** JDK ** and you're ready to go. ** Addendum: The IDE explained this time does not require a single JDK because it is a set !! **

JDK is an abbreviation for Java SE Development Kit. You can install it for free. I will omit the detailed explanation this time.

Typical IDEs include ** Eclipse ** and ** IntelliJ IDEA **. However, since it is all in English by itself, if you want to speak Japanese, you can use an IDE called ** Pleiades All in One ** to translate IDEs such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA into Japanese. By using these, you can efficiently build a large-scale program.

Eclipse: https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ IntelliJ IDEA: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/ Pleiades All in One: https://mergedoc.osdn.jp/

Since I will be using Eclipse, I will explain how to install Eclipse in another article. ~~ I will link when the article is completed ~~~

Next) Let's get started with Java-Create a development environment ② https://qiita.com/_Hage_K/items/08308ff5abd372155fbc

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