How to get started with creating a Rails app

・ Display on the screen

    1. Build the foundation for your app with Rails

$ rails 5.2.1 new app name -d mysql You can create the necessary files at once

  1. Create a routing def index end in config/routes.rb

  2. Create controller $ rails g controller filename contlloers/applocation_controller.rb HTTP method'filename'=>'filename # index'

  3. View file Create an index.html.erb file in app/views and

    Hello World!

・ Save to database

  1. Creating a database  rails db:create

  2. Model creation rails g model filename A migration file is created

    1. Creating a column Fill in the columns in db/migrate/file name.rb Column data type specification: Column name
  3. My Great  rails db:migrate

☆WEll DONE(^^♪☆

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