[RAILS] How to make a factory with a model with polymorphic association

It's almost for myself, so I'll write it briefly.

You can comment on user and project.


belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :commenter, class_name: 'User'


has_many :comments, as: :commentable, dependent: :destroy


has_many :comments, as: :commentable, dependent: :destroy

Just write both factories


FactoryBot.define do
    factory :project_comment, class: 'Comment' do
      association :commenter,   factory: :user
      association :commentable, factory: :project
      commentable_type { 'User' }
      comment          { 'Sample Comment' }

    factory :user_comment, class: 'Comment' do
      association :commenter,   factory: :user
      association :commentable, factory: :user
      commentable_type { 'User }
      comment          { 'Sample Comment' }


let(:user_comment) { FactoryBot.create(:user_comment) }

Can be called with.

Polymorphic related should be easy to add related models, Therefore, I think it should be easy to add a factory. If you write like this, you can increase the comment_type even if the number of related models increases in the future.


FactoryBot.define do
  comment_type = [:user, :project]

  comment_type.each do |type|
    factory :"#{type}_comment", class: 'Comment' do
      association :commenter,   factory: :user
      association :commentable, factory: type
      commentable_type { type.to_s.camelize }
      comment          { 'Sample Comment' }

Conversely, if increasing comment_type does not support it, it should not be polymorphic. If the method and factory configurations change depending on the related model, why not consider STI instead of polymorphic.

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