[RUBY] Draw a graph with Sinatra and Chartkick


I improved the * family todo list* created last time and tried to draw a graph.

Completion screen




require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/reloader'
require 'date'
require 'active_record'
require 'rack/csrf'
require 'chartkick'  #add to


$ ls public/
chartkick.js  main.js  style.css

Put chartkick.js in public



get '/' do
  con = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
  dat = con.execute("select users.name, scores.score, scores.point from users inner join scores on users.id = scores.user_id where scores.flag=0 order by users.name, scores.point")
  h = {name: '', data: {}}
  @graph_data = []
  tname = ''
  dat.each do |x|
    if x["name"] == tname
      h[:data][x["point"]] = x["score"]
      tname = x["name"]
      if h[:name] != ''
        @graph_data << h.dup
      h[:name] = x["name"]
      h[:data] = {}
      h[:data][x["point"]] = x["score"]
  @graph_data << h.dup
  erb :index

Originally, you should use ʻActiveRecord well, but you can get the data by typing SQL` directly.


<%= line_chart @graph_data, min: 40, max: 100 %>

It is thanks to gem that it is drawn beautifully.


Referenced site Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby

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