[JAVA] Draw a bar graph and a line graph at the same time with MPAndroidChart

I'll put the code on it for the time being (I'll write it clean later)

List<String> labels = new ArrayList<>();
List<BarEntry> bar = new ArrayList<>();
List<Entry> line = new ArrayList<>();
Random random = new Random();
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
	//The label for the x-axis is List<String>
    //Each data is List<BarEntry>, List<Entry>Store in etc.
    // Entry(float value, int index)
    //A run-time error occurs if you specify an index longer than the length of labels
    bar.add(new BarEntry((float)random.nextInt(10), i));
    line.add(new Entry((float)random.nextInt(5)+3f, i));

//List of entries(List<Entry>)+ Name(String) => DataSet
//List of labels(List<String>) + DataSet => Data

//bar graph
BarDataSet barDataSet = new BarDataSet(bar, "bar");
BarData barData = new BarData(labels, barDataSet);

//Line graph
LineDataSet lineDataSet = new LineDataSet(line, "line");

LineData lineData = new LineData(labels, lineDataSet);

CombinedData data = new CombinedData(labels);

CombinedChart chart = (CombinedChart)findViewById(R.id.combined_chart);



//x-axis setting
XAxis xAxis = chart.getXAxis();

//Right y-axis setting

chart.animateY(2000, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInBack);

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