[RUBY] [Rails] Get access_token at the time of Twitter authentication with Sorcery and save it in DB

What is this article

When using the Twitter API, you can use your own (registered account) access_token, access_token_secret ↓ to get public user information and tweets. スクリーンショット 2020-10-05 8.23.35.png However, you must use a unique access_token and access_token_secret for each user in order to get information about private users and for users to tweet through the app. In this article, I will write an implementation that stores and uses the access_token and access_token_secret of individual users in the database.

It is assumed that [Rails] Twitter authentication with Sorcery -Qiita has implemented Twitter authentication.

【Caution】 This article assumes that there are no users at the time of implementation. If you already have a user (if you can't reset the User data), that user's access_token will be null, so you'll need to add a bit of annoying conditional branching.


Ruby 2.6.6 Rails Sorcery 0.15.0

Modifying model associations

In my case, external authentication was supposed to be Twitter only, so I changed the association to has_one as follows.


class User < ApplicationRecord
- has_many :authentications, dependent: :destroy
- accepts_nested_attributes_for :authentications
+ has_one :authentication, dependent: :destroy
+ accepts_nested_attributes_for :authentication

If you are working with other services and user has_many: authentications, replace the description such as ʻuser.authentication.hoge with ʻuser.authentications.find_by! (Provider:'twitter').

Creating a migration file

Add the access_token and access_token_secret columns to the authentications table. If you are using a link other than Twitter, remove the optional null: false.


class AddAccessTokenColumnsToAuthentications < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    add_column :authentications, :access_token, :string, null: false
    add_column :authentications, :access_token_secret, :string, null: false

Add controller

What has changed from the previous article is the inside of the create_user_from method.


class OauthsController < ApplicationController
  skip_before_action :require_login # applications_before with controller_action :require_If login is set

  def oauth

  def callback
    provider = auth_params[:provider]
    if auth_params[:denied].present?
      redirect_to root_path, notice: "I canceled my login"
    #Create a new user if you cannot log in with the credentials sent (if there is no such user)
    create_user_from(provider) unless (@user = login_from(provider))
    redirect_to root_path, notice: "#{provider.titleize}I logged in with"


  def auth_params
    params.permit(:code, :provider, :denied)

  def create_user_from(provider)
    @user = build_from(provider) # ①
    @user.build_authentication(uid: @user_hash[:uid],
                               provider: provider,
                               access_token: access_token.token,
                               access_token_secret: access_token.secret) # ②
    @user.save! # ③

build_from is a method of Sorcery. Put the data passed from provider (: twitter) to Sorcery as attributes of User instance (@user).

② Create an authentication instance. Since @user_hash, ʻaccess_tokencontains the data received from Twitter, use it. By the way,build_authentication is a method of has_one, so in the case of has_many, please set it to ʻuser.authentications.build.

[11] pry(#<OauthsController>)> @user_hash
=> {:token=>"111111111111111111111",
   "location"=>"Okayama all the time → Yamanashi a little → Tokyo Imakoko",
   "description"=>"A person who recently became an engineer, working as an elementary school teacher or a Nakai. Enjoy solving the mystery.#RUNTEQ",

[12] pry(#<OauthsController>)> access_token
=> #<OAuth::AccessToken:0x00007f2fc41402d0
   @http=#<Net::HTTP api.twitter.com:443 open=false>,

③ Save each associated authentication. Authentication instances created by @ user.build_authentication, @ user.authentications.build, etc. are saved together with the User when it is saved.

Model modification

It is dangerous to save access_token and access_token_secret as they are in the database, so save them encrypted.


class Authentication < ApplicationRecord
  before_save :encrypt_access_token
  belongs_to :user

  validates :uid, presence: true
  validates :provider, presence: true

  def encrypt_access_token
    key_len = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.key_len
    secret = Rails.application.key_generator.generate_key('salt', key_len)
    crypt = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(secret)
    self.access_token = crypt.encrypt_and_sign(access_token)
    self.access_token_secret = crypt.encrypt_and_sign(access_token_secret)

Cut out Twitter :: REST :: Client to service class

Cut out the logic related to the Twitter client to the service class. If user is included in the argument, use user's access_token etc., and if user is not passed, use default access_token etc.


require 'twitter'

class ApiClient
  def self.call(user = nil)

  def call(user)
    @user = user
    @client ||= begin
      Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config|
        config.consumer_key        = Rails.application.credentials.twitter[:key]
        config.consumer_secret     = Rails.application.credentials.twitter[:secret_key]
        config.access_token        = access_token
        config.access_token_secret = access_token_secret
        config.dev_environment     = 'premium'


  attr_reader :user

  def access_token
    @access_token ||= user ? crypt.decrypt_and_verify(user.authentication.access_token)
                           : Rails.application.credentials.twitter[:access_token]

  def access_token_secret
    @access_token_secret ||= user ? crypt.decrypt_and_verify(user.authentication.access_token_secret)
                                  : Rails.application.credentials.twitter[:access_token_secret]

  def crypt
    key_len = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.key_len
    secret = Rails.application.key_generator.generate_key('salt', key_len)

You can call an instance of Client with TwitterApiClient.call (user). When writing as code, use something like TwitterApiClient.call (user) .update ("I'm tweeting with @gem! ").

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