[RUBY] Make a family todo list with Sinatra


@kirinri posted * Nice article --Qiita *, so let's get on it.

Completion screen



When a user is deleted, the user's Todo is deleted.


post '/destroy_user' do
  Todos.where('users_id = ?', params[:users_id]).destroy_all
  redirect to('/')

ʻActive record` is nice because you don't have to write SQL.

Round the corners of the item


.user_btn {
  height: 28px;
  background-color: #FFAD90;
  border-style: none;
  border-radius: 5px;

~~ The last 3 lines ~~ The last line is rounded Thank you to @scivola.


If you delete a user, it will not be reloaded and the deleted user will remain in the drop-down list. 20200806.png If you add it to the list as that user, you will get an exception. 20200806error.png


post '/create_todo' do
    Todos.create(body: params[:body],users_id: params[:users_id])
  rescue => e
  redirect to('/')

I've added exception handling, but I don't think it's a compliment because it's just through.


Referenced site

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