[JAVA] Let's build a NEM node (supernode is possible) Ubuntu 18.04


In order to harvest with NEM, it is necessary to connect to the full node of NEM, The capacity is set by the node, and it may not be available easily. So this time I will try to build a NEM node by myself. You can also use this procedure to build a NEM Supernode that will be rewarded on a regular basis.


Domain preparation

Obtaining a domain

This time it can be an ipv4 address. Get the domain only if you need it.

Server preparation

Preparing the server

Start the Linux server. This time, I chose "VPS L SSD" from CONTABO in Germany, and "Ubuntu 18.04" as the OS. You will receive a root / password by email, so please log in with it. With 8 cores, 30GB of RAM, 800GB of SSD, 600Mbit / s bandwidth, unlimited bandwidth usage, and DDoS protection, I think 15 euros a month is a cheap category for VPS. e41e240c2001c4fc927af94fe4dd44b1.png

Server initialization

Enter with root / password and perform the initial settings.

Time zone, NTP settings

Set the server to Japan time. timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo

Set up an NTP server. This time the server is in Germany, so it's better to use a German NTP server. sed -i 's/#NTP=/NTP=2.de.pool.ntp.org/g' /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf

Swap file settings

In the case of CONTABO, 2GB swap is already set from the beginning, but if you want to increase it, delete the existing swap file and recreate it. Clear the current allocation and allocate 10GB. swapoff /swapfile && sudo rm /swapfile fallocate -l 10G /swapfile && sudo chmod 600 /swapfile && sudo mkswap /swapfile && sudo swapon /swapfile

Firewall settings

SSH restrictions

The SSH port is vulnerable to attack, so use a firewall to restrict connections. The connection source should be a fixed IP at home or a fixed IP of the bastion server.

ufw allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to any port 22

It is also effective to change the port number to further restrict connections.

 Added Port yyyyy```. (yyyyy is any port number)
 In that case, don't forget to set the firewall.
`ufw allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to any port yyyyy`

##### Port open
 This time we need to expose TCP 7778, 7880, 7890 to the outside world.
`ufw allow 7778/tcp`
`ufw allow 7880/tcp`
`ufw allow 7890/tcp`

##### Launch firewall
 Start the firewall.
`sudo ufw enable`

#### Ubuntu update
 Update Ubuntu to the latest version.
`sudo apt update`
`sudo apt -y dist-upgrade`

#### Creating a user for a node
 Create a user called nem.
`adduser nem`
 You will be asked for the password twice, so enter it and omit it with the enter key.

 Give user nem sudo
`gpasswd -a nem sudo`

#### Java 8 installation
 Install Java 8.
`apt install -y openjdk-8-jre`
 Version confirmation
`java -version`

#### unzip installation
`apt install unzip`

#### DNS settings
 Not required if you do not specify a domain.

### Server settings

#### Change the user to nem.
`su - nem`

#### Download and deploy NIS and servant
 Download nis and servant from [NEM Server](http://bob.nem.ninja/).
 * As of December 08, 2019, nis-0.6.97 and servant_0_0_4 are the latest versions.
`wget http://bob.nem.ninja/nis-0.6.97.tgz`
`wget http://bob.nem.ninja/servant_0_0_4.zip`

 Expand each
`tar xzf nis-0.6.97.tgz`
`unzip -q servant_0_0_4.zip`

 Put them together in one folder called nemServer
`mv servant package`
`mv package nemServer`
`chmod -R g-w nemServer`

#### Configuration file settings

 Here we use the information from NEM's nano wallet.
 Please activate your delegate account in advance.


##### NIS server settings
`cd nemServer/nis`
 Save the configuration file pack-up just in case
`cp -p config.properties config.properties.org`

 `vi config.propaties` around lines 46-47 and around lines 77

#### **`config.propaties`**

#nis.bootKey = #0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
#nis.bootName = foobar
nis.bootKey = <Delegated private key>
nis.bootName = <Any name>

nis.unlockedLimit = 4
nis.unlockedLimit = 30

We plan to allocate 3GB of memory to the NIS server, so we are increasing the number of harvest connections to 30.

NIS server startup settings

cd ~/nemServer vi nix.runNis.sh

Recently, it seems that the minimum standard configuration of the server is 4GB or more, so for the time being, allocate 3GB of memory to the NIS server. We have also added a "G1GC" option for Java 8 optimization.



cd nis
java -Xms3G -Xmx3G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -cp ".:./*:../libs/*" org.nem.deploy.CommonStarter
cd -

If you increase the allocated memory, you can further increase the number of harvest connections mentioned above, and the operation will be stable.

Temporary startup of NIS server

cd ~/nemServer Temporarily start the NIS server nohup ./nix.runNis.sh < /dev/null & You can check it with tail -f nohup.out Exit with Ctrl + C

Servant server settings

cd ~/nemServer/servant Save the configuration file pack-up just in case cp -p config.properties config.properties.org vi config.properties


nem.host = <put vps ip address here>
nem.host = <Enter the IP or domain name of the server>

servant.key = <put your NIS boot key here>
servant.key = <Delegated private key>

Temporary startup of Servant server

cd ~/nemServer/servant

Give execute permission chmod u+x startservant.sh

Temporarily start the Servant server nohup ./startservant.sh < /dev/null & You can check it with tail -f nohup.out Exit with Ctrl + C

Stop NIS and Servant servers

sudo pkill -SIGTERM -f org.nem

NIS server database download

Database download

To shorten the initial startup time, download and unzip the database prepared in advance. cd ~/nemServer wget http://bob.nem.ninja/nis5_mainnet.h2-2293k.db.zip unzip -q nis5_mainnet.h2-2293k.db.zip

Erase the files created when the NIS server was temporarily started rm ~/nem/nis/data/*

Move the unzipped data mv nis5_mainnet.h2.db ~/nem/nis/data/

Auto start settings

Set the NIS and Servant servers to start automatically.

NIS server auto-start

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/nem-nis.service


Description = NEM NIS Server
After = network.target

WorkingDirectory = /home/nem/nemServer
ExecStart = /home/nem/nemServer/nix.runNis.sh
Restart = always
Type = simple
User = nem
Group = nem

WantedBy = multi-user.target

Automatic startup of Servant server

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/nem-servant.service


Description = NEM Servant program
After = network.target nem-nis.target

WorkingDirectory = /home/nem/nemServer/servant
ExecStart = /home/nem/nemServer/servant/startservant.sh
Restart = always
Type = simple
User = nem
Group = nem

WantedBy = multi-user.target
Register and start systend

Register NIS and Servant servers with systemd sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable nem-nis.service sudo systemctl enable nem-servant.service

Start the NIS server and Servant server sudo systemctl start nem-nis.service sudo systemctl start nem-servant.service

Operation check

NIS server operation check

http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7890/node/extended-info ("Service Unavailable" error occurred for a while) shows the delegated public key and NIS version If the block height is displayed at http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7890/chain/height, the NIS server is running.

Servant server operation check

If http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7880/nr/metaData shows the version of the delegated public key and Servant, it is working.

Register as supernode

Supernode registration method

If you have a balance of 3 million XEM or more in your account, you can register as a Supernode and you will receive a Supernode reward. Registration is required in advance. Send a message from NEM's Nano Wallet to a dedicated account.

To the destination NAFUND-BUKIOS-TMD4BN-XL7ZFE-735QHN-7A3FBS-6CMY In the message ʻEnroll (IP address or domain name of nemServer / servant / config.propertie) (arbitrary name of nemServer / nis / config.propertie) (delegation public key) ` And send it.


Soon it will be registered in Nem Node Rewards and you can check the status. If you make a mistake, you will need to report it to NEM FORUM for correction.

in conclusion

The above is how to build NEM node and super node. NEM is also easier to obtain than it was at one time, so it may be a chance to build a supernode that will be rewarded on a regular basis. However, it is also necessary to pay close attention to security to prevent hacking for yourself and your users. We also recommend that you use a hardware wallet such as TREZOR for your NEM account.

Reference site

Minarin * Blog --NEM Supernode TecAdmin.net - How to Install JAVA 8 on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04, Linux Mint 19/18

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