[Java] Let's create a mod for Minecraft 1.14.4 [Extra edition]

(This article is one of a series of commentary articles)

First article: Introduction

Reference site

・ Minecraft Forge Forums User forum. See below. ・ Forge Documentation It's an official documentation, so I added it for the time being, but honestly, it's not very helpful in terms of implementation. Of course, it is correct and useful for understanding the concept. ・ Minecraft Forge Modding Table of Contents Qiita article. Japanese. I referred to most of this article in writing this article. First of all, just copying and pasting these will work, so it's a good idea to go through them to see what you can do. ・ Beginner modder memorandum [1.12 / 1.15] Personal blog. Japanese. The tutorial content is written with the code. Note the version difference. ・ Jabelar's Minecraft Forge Modding Tutorials [1.12] Personal site. English. Detailed implementation guidelines. The code is for reference only. Note the version difference. ・ CurseForge Recently mainstream (?) Mod distribution office. Many mods have their source code published on github, so it's very helpful to look at the source code for some popular mods. ・ Others Actually, there are quite a few tutorial videos on youtube. Search by "minecraft modding 1.14" etc. I'm not good at video-based, so I omitted it this time, but you can watch it as needed.

Tips for problem solving

Ask the vanilla code what you don't understand (important)

I think that there may be a situation where the problem is not solved at all even though the number of tabs of the reference site like that is increasing infinitely in the browser. Comparing different versions and different writing styles, I was confused as to which one was right for me. When you say that, it is justice ** to go to see the vanilla code first. You can think of ** most things as an extension of vanilla **. Programmatically speaking, it is inheritance. I think that if you can do this, your understanding will deepen dramatically.

** And where is it? ** ** → Project-> External project-> Gradle: net.minecraft.forge: VERSION-> forge-VERSION-recomp.jar

How to google

I don't think it's necessary to write it, but it's supposed to be a beginner. Basically, "minecraft forge" English material is attestation, so in English For example, if you want to add a tree, I think that "custom (target)" such as "minecraft forge custom tree" and "minecraft forge how to add tree" is easy to hit. When something like this doesn't seem to happen, you can just use "(target) not (verb prototype)" without worrying about grammar. "Tree not generate" "leaves not decay" I'd like to specify the version, but since there are few materials, I think it's better to look at other versions and try to imitate it (though it often falls into a trap).

Forum search

If you google a few times, you'll notice that it's usually the Forge User Forum. So you can search here from the beginning. Use an exact match search (search for "custom tree" instead of "custom tree"). Due to the nature of the forum, you can find quite a few issues that are easy to worry about. However, there are many threads that are closed without any reference, so don't expect too much.

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