How to deploy to Heroku from a local docker image

Deployment flow

1 Create a Heroku app on Heroku. (URL is given)

2 Push the Docker image to Heroku's container registry (Docker image storage on Heroku).

3 Release Docker image to app

4 Access the deployed application with a browser

Create an account and register your credit card in advance. (You cannot publish without registering your credit card.)

Install heroku cli (mac)

brew install heroku/brew/heroku

Login to heroku

heroku login

Log in from the browser that starts automatically.

Log in to the container registry

heroku container:login

Go to app

If you try to run apache on heroku, an error will occur, so some measures are required.

Create an error handling configuration file

sed -i "s/Listen 80/Listen ${PORT:-80}/g" /etc/apache2/ports.conf
rm /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mpm_event.conf
rm /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mpm_event.load
apache2-foreground "$@"

Add description and execution command to copy to container with dockerfile

dockerfile for heroku.

COPY ./docker/app/ /usr/local/bin/
CMD [ "" ]

Grant execute permission to the error handling configuration file

chmod +x

Create heroku app

heroku create

Install add-ons to work with the database. (ignite => free)

heroku addons:create cleardb:ignite

Check the cleardb connection settings.

heroku config | grep CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL

mysql://username:password@hostname/Database name?

Setting environment variables

heroku config:add DB_USERNAME=username

heroku config:add DB_PASSWORD=password

heroku config:add DB_DB_HOST='hostname' (.Because it contains'Enclose in)

heroku config:add DB_DATABASE=username


heroku config

Creating a table

heroku run "File containing table creation functions"

Push to registry container

heroku container:push web

Release to registry container

heroku container:release web

Access from the browser

heroku open
heroku apps:info

Look up the application name and at the end of the command

--app app name

Is given.

How to remove heroku app

heroku apps:destroy --app app name-confirm app name

Check heroku logs (monitored with --tail)

heroku logs --tail

Reflect the correction. Fixed local files.

Push to registry container

heroku container:push web

Release to registry container

heroku container:release web

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