Deploy to heroku with Docker (Rails 6, MySQL)

1 Prerequisites

1 Credit card registered heroku account 2 Rails application created in docker environment (Add RUN apt-get install -y vim to Dockerfile when editing credentials: edit) * Refer to this article 3 heroku cli installed

2 Describe the following in config / environments / development.rb

Rails.application.confiture do

3 Delete container &

$ docker-compose stop
$ rm -f tmp/pids/

4 heroku ready

$cd directory name
$ heroku login --interactive
$ heroku container:login 
$heroku create app name

5 Change heroku database settings to MySQL

$ heroku addons:add cleardb
$ heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=`heroku config:get CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL | sed -- s/mysql/mysql2/`

6 Deploy to heroku

$ heroku container:push web
$ heroku container:release web
$ heroku run rails db:migrate
$ heroku open

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