I was able to deploy the Docker + laravel + MySQL app to Heroku!

What you can understand by reading this article


https://qiita.com/okita_kamegoro/items/3278d62dd0174960b7f7 https://team-lab.github.io/skillup/step2/10-heroku.html https://shiney-life.com/web/heroku/

Supplements / Notes

・ If you read it carefully and proceed, you can deploy it. Let's calm down. -Although Laradock is used in the above reference site, it is possible even if it is not Laradock. -MySQL is used locally and PostgreSQL is used on Heroku, but since the local code is not rewritten, there is no problem with PostgreSQL on Heroku.

Simple flow

・ Register with Heroku ・ Create an app (template) on Heroku · Set up the Heroku app as a remote repository -Add APP_KEY to the Heroku app ・ Set up to use PostgreSQL on Heroku ・ Create a screen path setting file for the Heroku app -Push to the remote repository of the Heroku app ・ Execute migration (Reflect tables and settings in Heroku's database) ・ Check the operation of the Heroku app and you're done! !!

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