I tried the Docker tutorial!


This article is an entry for the 23rd day of Ubiregi Advent Calendar 2020. It's been four days since this post (12/27), but I had a strong desire to keep it as a memorandum, so I wrote it down.

Probably Docker is doing a Docker tutorial that is done by tens of thousands of people I wanted to know what it was & I wanted to use it in my portfolio.


Since the Docker tutorial was in English, I really wanted to read the original and understand it, but I felt like I was frustrated on the way, so I proceeded based on the Japanese translation article by @Michinosuke. Overwhelming thanks: bow: https://qiita.com/Michinosuke/items/5778e0d9e9c04038903c#docker%E3%83%87%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AF%E3%83%88%E3%83%83%E3%83%97

As I proceeded through the tutorial, I googled for words that I couldn't understand.

Tutorial memo

From here on, it's a bit rough, but it's a memo that extracts what I understand and what I think is important in the tutorial. I think there are some things that are strange to understand, so please point out!

What is Docker?

You can boot another OS on your PC. A container for a container to boot another OS. That's the image I have. In the tutorial, I started node.js.

What makes you happy with Docker?

-If you start various containers and create a development environment in the same way as the production environment, there will be no scenes like "Why can you do it in the development environment but not in the production environment ..."? ・ There may not be much benefit if you develop by yourself, but if you use one Docker compose for team development, it is strange that the same environment will be created! You can build the environment immediately! Is there a benefit like that?

Points that I struggled with in the tutorial

・ I can actually experience it, but I didn't understand the meaning of the command so much that I stopped investigating it in detail. Proceed while understanding the meaning properly! You might say that, but the purpose of the tutorial is just like Docker! I think it's to understand. -Hit the command in this directory! Since it is not a kind design like this, I sometimes got an error even if I executed it according to the tutorial. I solved it when I googled. ・ The volume is amazing. I think it is possible to end it if you do your best and spend one day off. It's about 7-8 hours. ・ Since the story is abstract, it is really difficult to understand the content. Docker is deep ... ・ Do you actually use named volume? I somehow understood that the bind mount seems to be very useful.

What to do in the future

・ Tutorial is to get an overview. I don't think it's suitable for actual battles, so I wondered if it would be better to take a course with an introductory book or udemy. ・ The quickest way is to introduce it into the portfolio quickly. -Container deployment? I want to try. It looks very difficult!

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