I tried node-jt400 (Transactions)

Transactions Start journaling the physical file before running the test.



//Example of being committed
app.get("/tranCommit", function (req, res, next) {
    pool.transaction(function (tran) {
        var Id = 110;
        return tran.update("insert into member (ID,LNAME,FNAME,PROF,TOKUTEN) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", 
        [Id, "Tokugawa","Ietsuna",'4th generation', 4]).then(function () {
            return tran.update("insert into member2 (ID,LNAME,FNAME,PROF,TENSU) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", 
            [Id, "Tokugawa","Ietsuna",'4th generation', 4]); 

//An example of being rolled back. member2.Set characters in TENSU
app.get("/tranRollback", function (req, res, next) {
    pool.transaction(function (tran) {
        var Id = 111;
        return tran.update("insert into member (ID,LNAME,FNAME,PROF,TOKUTEN) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", 
        [Id, "Tokugawa","Tsunayoshi",'5th generation', 5]).then(function () {
            return tran.update("insert into member2 (ID,LNAME,FNAME,PROF,TENSU) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", 
            [Id, "Tokugawa","Tsunayoshi",'5th generation', 'a']); 

Running / tranCommit will correctly add records to each physical file. When I ran / tranRollback, an error occurred in the insert statement for member2 and no records were added to member.

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