[JAVA] I tried source code analysis


Let's do an Advent calendar this year at the University Department to which I belong! I was asked to participate, so I also participated. (See here for articles by other members) ... so I thought about what to do, but I just wanted to introduce what I'm doing now, so I decided to write about parsing Java source code. Please note that the purpose of this article is to analyze the source code itself rather than the language Java.


This time, as the title says, we will analyze the source code, but as mentioned above, the language to be analyzed is Java. The code is analyzed using the more famous IDE Eclipse and the plug-in for creating the syntax tree AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) (detailed procedure is here. It is also described on the site of osaka-u.ac.jp/~s-kimura/jdtdoc/jdt.html).

Class diagram

Here's a diagram of the class relationships. クラス図.png

It will be a fairly simple diagram, so I would like to expand it further in the future.


For the time being, as an output result, we were able to output the information of each decorator.

Future outlook

Finally, using this result, I analyzed the source code and found out "There are private methods and public methods, but in what order the developers develop and define such methods. I would like to analyze it.


I wrote this because I have an Advent calendar, but it's very simple because I don't have time. Please see My Page on "GitHub" for the progress of future projects.

Then (・ ω ・) Noshi

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