I tried node-jt400 (SQL stream)

SQL stream In the coding example, it behaves like CPYF, so let's code it in the same way. Create a physical file to copy to. I changed it a little because it was a big deal. (Change the attributes of LNAME and FNAME, change TOKUTEN to TENSU, change the record format)


      *File ID: MEMBER2                                 
     A          R MEMBER2R                  TEXT('member')          
     A            ID             3S 0       COLHDG(' ID ')            
     A            LNAME          6G         COLHDG('Last name')            
     A            FNAME         12J         COLHDG('name')            
     A            PROF          40O         COLHDG('profile')    
     A            TENSU          7P 3       COLHDG('Score')            


var jt400 = require("node-jt400");
var JSONStream = require("JSONStream");
var express = require("express");
var app = express();

var pool = jt400.pool({ host: '192.168.X.XXX', user: 'MYUSER', password: 'MYPASS' });

var server = app.listen(8888, function () {
    console.log("curl http://localhost:" + server.address().port + '/~');

app.get("/stream", function (req, res, next) {
  pool.createReadStream("select * from member") 
    .pipe(pool.createWriteStream("insert into member2 (ID,FNAME,LNAME,PROF,TENSU) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"));

Try to run it. nodejt05.png Execution result nodejt06.png

The surname and first name were correctly replaced and set.

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