[JAVA] I tried a little digdag docker.run_options

digdag docker.run_options

It seems that docker options are available from version 0.9.37 of digdag.

Release notes: https://docs.digdag.io/releases/release-0.9.37.html?highlight=run_options

Applicable PR: https://github.com/treasure-data/digdag/pull/1025

Quoting from the PR, it seems that you can set as follows.

    image: ruby:2.5.1
      - apt install vim
    docker: /usr/local/bin/nvidia-docker
    run_options: ["-v", "/tmp:/tmp"]
    build_options: ["--pull"]

Here's run_options: ["-v "," / tmp: / tmp "], but I wondered if it could be something like run_options: ["-v / tmp: / tmp "]

docker: Error response from daemon: create  /: " /" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path.

I got an error, so I couldn't do it (the same is true for build_options.)

Take a look at digdag's DEBUG log

You can output the debug log with digdag run -l debug.

--Commands executed when run_options: ["-v "," / tmp: / tmp "]

2019-08-30 19:19:07 +0900 [DEBUG](0017@[0:default]+sample_wf+sample_docker_run_options) io.digdag.standards.command.DockerCommandExecutor: Running in docker: docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -i --rm -v ..Abbreviation

--Commands executed when run_options: ["-v / tmp: / tmp "]

2019-08-30 19:20:22 +0900 [DEBUG](0017@[0:default]+sample_wf+sample_docker_run_options) io.digdag.standards.command.DockerCommandExecutor: Running in docker: docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -i --rm -v ..Abbreviation

The docker commands displayed in the DEBUG log are ** exactly the same **, and neither seems to be a command problem.

You can execute it by copying only the command and executing it in the local terminal.

I don't get an error like docker: Error response from daemon above.

Then why not

run_options is at this part ʻaddAll is added to ʻImmutableList declared as command.

This variable command is finally passed to ProcessBuilder as ProcessBuilder docker = new ProcessBuilder (command.build ());.

ProcessBuilder doesn't connect the commands together before executing the process, it'scommand.toArray (new String [command.size ()]);, so run_options: ["-v / tmp: If you define it as / tmp "], it will be entered as one command ..?

In other words, ** in terms of image **

--Commands executed when run_options: ["-v "," / tmp: / tmp "]

"docker" "run" "-v" "/tmp:/tmp" "nannka-image:0.1"

--Commands executed when run_options: ["-v / tmp: / tmp "]

"docker" "run" "-v /tmp:/tmp" "nannka-image:0.1"


In the DEBUG log,

logger.debug("Running in docker: {} {}", command.build().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(" ")), imageName);

It seemed that there was no problem with run_options: ["-v / tmp: / tmp "], but it was actually executed by ProcessBuilder, so there was a problem.

It's like, "That's right. That's why it's an array."

If you find something wrong, I would appreciate it if you could point it out.

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