[JAVA] I tried to develop a DUO3.0 study website.

This time, we have developed a website that randomly asks 10 questions about DUO3.0. I will write an article about the background and what I learned.

What is DUO3.0?

It is a well-known super famous English word book with 560 example sentences. As an aside, I got TOEIC 915 thanks to memorizing all of this.

If you are interested, please come! Check it out on Amazon!


I wondered if there was an app that would randomly give out about 10 DUO example sentences before going to bed. I searched for various things, but in the end I couldn't find a good one, so I made it myself this time.


I haven't posted it on the net because I'm afraid of copyright, but I'll show you the image!

スクリーンショット 2020-03-08 10.23.37.png

When you press the "Shuffle" button, 10 of the 560 example sentences will appear at random. If you press the "English" button, an English translation of Japanese will appear. If you press the "Speak" button, it will speak English.

What i learned

The Web Speech API is amazing! I was able to pronounce English with just a few lines of JavaScript. I actually wrote only the code below.

function Speech(id){
  var speech = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
  speech.text = document.getElementById('english' + id).value;
  speech.lang = "en-US";
  speech.rate = 1.0;
  speech.pitch = 1.0;

If you want to make it Japanese, you can easily change it by changing lang to ja-JP. I referred to the following site. Thank you very much. I checked the actual speaking environment with the Web Speech API


You can now study DUO effectively! Learning English is likely to improve further. It was a good opportunity to realize once again that being able to create "I wish I had it in my life" is one of the attractions of web development.

Thank you for reading again!

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