This is my first year as a member of society who has just studied Java. I wrote an article like this to understand Java's object orientation (laughs like a note). We are looking for advice on Java.
Let's get into the main subject at once. In the first place, you feel object-oriented at first! ?? (Because I did that too ...)
Object-oriented seems to be one of many ways of thinking in programming lol It seems that the following three are realized by object orientation.
There seems to be "** encapsulation **" as an idea to realize "independence" in an object-oriented manner.
Encapsulation After investigating, it seems that the idea is to combine data (attributes) and methods (procedures) into one object and hide its contents .... To put it simply (I don't know if I can say it, but lol), I think it's a way of thinking that the processing of the program cannot be seen from the outside.
It seems that there are "** method " and " inheritance **" as an idea to realize "reusability" in an object-oriented manner.
** Method ** A summary of a series of program processes. It seems that it is also called "procedure".
** Inheritance ** The idea of making variables and methods of one class available to another ...
There seems to be "** abstraction **" as an idea to realize "extensibility" in an object-oriented manner.
** Abstraction ** It seems that the idea is to extract the common parts of multiple classes and ignore the others ...
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