Personal memo Progate Ruby I (1)

● What is Ruby?

An object-oriented scripting language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto. A programming language for building a "system" for web applications.

Similar languages: PHP, Python

1. Ruby execution


Hello seal

・ Console: Input / output device

2. Ruby basics and strings

puts "Hello seal"

-Instruction "Print the value after puts"

3. Addition / subtraction with numerical values


・ Do not enclose numbers in quotation marks ・ Character strings and numbers are separate

 5 + 2 =7     ← (Numerical value)
"5 + 2"       ← (String)

4. Various calculations

● Addition(+) ● subtraction(-) ● multiplication(/) ● division(%)

5. Concatenation of strings and numbers

puts "Seal" + "That's right" 

It's a seal

⇒ If you use the + symbol between character strings, Character strings can be concatenated.

puts  3 + 5  → 8  (Numerical value)
puts "3"+"5" →35 (String)      

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