[Ruby ~ Iterative processing ~] Study memo 4

Ruby review. It's almost my study memo. Please do not excessive expectations.

Iterative processing

--each method

By using each method, the elements of the array can be extracted in order and processed. The usage is "array.each do |Variable name|, And write the process you want to execute before "end".

How to write

Array.each do |Variable name|

Each method iterates as many times as there are elements in the array. 「| |The elements of the array are entered into the variables enclosed in "" one by one, and the processing in each method is executed on that. The variable name in each method can be any name you like, but it is customary to use the singular form of the variable name in the array.

Example of use

colors = ["red", "Blue", "yellow"]
colors.each do |color|
  puts "color: #{color}"

Output result

color: 赤color
color: 青color
color: 黄color

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