I tried node-jt400 (SQL Update)

SQL update


app.get("/update", function (req, res, next) {
    var count = 0;
    pool.update("update member set prof=? WHERE id=?", ["I tried to update", 100])
        .then(function (nUpdated) {
        count = nUpdated;
        res.send(count + "Updated");

The value returned by the callback is set to the updated number. nodejt07.png Update result nodejt08.png

SQL insert


app.get("/insert", function (req, res, next) {
    var insertIds = "";
    var tableName = "MEMBER", idColumn = "ID", rows = [
        { ID: 105, LNAME: "Oda", FNAME: "Nobunaga", PROF: "Before reaching the goal ...", TOKUTEN: 10.5 },
        { ID: 106, LNAME: "Toyotomi", FNAME: "Hideyoshi", PROF: "We unified the world.", TOKUTEN: 10.6 }
    pool.insertList(tableName, idColumn, rows)
        .then(function (listOfGeneratedIds) {
        for (var _i = 0, listOfGeneratedIds_1 = listOfGeneratedIds; _i < listOfGeneratedIds_1.length; _i++) {
            var insertId = listOfGeneratedIds_1[_i];
            insertIds = insertIds + insertId.toString() + ",";
        res.send(insertIds + "Was inserted");

Unfortunately this could not be done on V5R4. Although it is the cause, it seems that the following SQL is issued internally.

params: [105,"Oda","Nobunaga","Before reaching the goal ...",10.5,106,"Toyotomi","Hideyoshi","Unified the world",10.6]

It seems that this SQL cannot be interpreted, and an error occurs.

I was able to execute it on V7R2, so I will post the result. nodejt09.png


SQL batch update


app.get("/batchUpdate", function (req, res, next) {
    var insertIds = "";
    var data = [
        [107, "Tokugawa","Ieyasu","The first generation",1],
        [108, "Tokugawa","Hidetada","Second generation",2],
        [109, "Tokugawa","Iemitsu","Third generation",3]
    pool.batchUpdate("INSERT INTO MEMBER (ID,LNAME,FNAME,PROF,TOKUTEN) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", data)
        .then(function (result) {
        for (var _i = 0, result_1 = result; _i < result_1.length; _i++) {
            var insertId = result_1[_i];
            insertIds = insertIds + insertId.toString() + ","; //result is number of updated rows for each row. [1, 1, 1] in this case.
        res.send(insertIds + "Was inserted");

This could be done on V5R4. nodejt11.png The return value seems to return the number of updates for each row.


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