The site I referred to is here.
This time I will use Vagrant box installation.
vagrant init jhipster/jhipster-devbox
vagrant up --provider virtualbox
As a result, you will be able to use Ubuntu with various tools set up nicely.
When you execute jhipster_default ~~ from VirtualBox, the following nice screen will appear.
First, make an app. This time I chose React as the front end.
Then create an Entity. At this time, set the item name and JPA Relationship interactively.
With this result, you can create an app that CRUDs nicely.
However, due to a problem specific to JHipster5.1, when saving the Many side of OneToMany, an Exception occurs on the server side and the save fails. This seems to have already been raised as an Issue. (Maybe fixed. Checking for a moment.)
Modification place
Add the following hidden parameter to the end of AvGroup.
<AvInput id="book-author-id" type="hidden" name="" value={this.state.authorId} />
It's easy to enter the entire development environment.
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