Since I was new to * Android * apps and * OpenCV *, I had a series of errors when I tried to build a * OpenCV * sample as a new project in * Android Studio *. Just before the release, I learned that you can easily switch between debug (test) and release resources and builds by setting * Gradle * build variants and product flavors. These were not addicted to people who experienced similar troubles, thanks to the disclosure of information led by * Qiita *.
Even though I'm new to * Android * apps, as I've experienced since the days of * Java 1.2 *, developing with compatible * Kotlin * is many times more beneficial than developing with * Java *. felt.
Speaking of official docs, the official docs for * Android * were a bit confusing because they were mixed with old information.
Android Studio 3.1.4
* build.gradle * org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.2.61
[* build.gradle *](module: * app *) minSdkVersion 19(API 19/Android 4.4/KitKat) (Because the version of the device you have is * Android 4.4 *) compileSdkVersion 27(API 27/Android 8.1/Oreo) targetSdkVersion 27
Android Studio 3.2.1
* build.gradle * org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.3.0
[* build.gradle *](module: * app *) minSdkVersion 19(API 19/Android 4.4/KitKat) (Because the version of the device you have is * Android 4.4 *) compileSdkVersion 28(API 28/Android 9.0/Pie) targetSdkVersion 28(API 28/Android 9.0/Pie)
Android-Image-Cropper 2.7.0 lottie-android 2.5.0 OpenCV 3.4.3
In this research under development, I learned about * Android * material design, * Android Jetpack *, and * ReactiveX / RxJava / RxAndroid *, but I have not used them in this application (excluding * Fragment *). (The reason is that we gave priority to the release of this application and could not afford it)
--1.1 Process of pasting the image after screen transition --1.2 Animation image display processing during seamless image composition after screen transition --1.3 Back stack processing on the seamless composition result screen
--2.1 * Chooser * processing to select the gallery or camera function when selecting an image --2.2 Processing to exclude other camera apps from the camera function of * Chooser * --2.3 * Intent * parameter processing of * onActivityResult () * when shooting with camera
--3.1 * createTempFile * (unique file name) processing of * File * class --3.2 Mirror processing of images using * OpenCV * --3.3 Seamless composition processing using * OpenCV * --3.4 Seamless composite image gallery registration process
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