I want to implement various functions with kotlin and java!

Introduction ...

This article was written in 6th previous article,

** 7th day of daily article posting for 7 days **

It has become

The code to use is pasted below, but see the article 6 before for the detailed features of this app!

--java version: https://github.com/sato-na/guruwake_java

--kotlin version: https://github.com/sato-na/guruwake_kotlin

↓ This is the main subject of this article ↓

To implement various functions in each language ...

--table of contents--

  1. How to put a string in the code in textView

  2. Implementation of editText and how to receive and delete a string

  3. How to implement listView

How to implement textView and put a string in the code

--For java

TextView textView variable name= findViewById(R.id.textView id);
textView variable.setText(Character string to put);



TextView resultTxt = findViewById(R.id.result_txt);  //30th line
String rTxt = "";
resultTxt.setText(rTxt);  //Line 49

--For kotlin

textView id.text =Character string to put



var rTxt = ""  //Line 22
result_txt.text = rTxt  //40th line

How to enter the character string is also very different

Implementation of editText and how to receive and delete a string

//Implement editText to receive the entered characters
EditText EditText variable name= findViewById(R.id.editText id);
String variable=editText variable.getText().toString();
//Erase the character string entered in editText
editText variable.getEditableText().clear();



//Implement editText to receive the entered characters
EditText groupNumE = findViewById(R.id.group_num_et);  //42nd line
String groupNum = groupNumE.getText().toString();


//Erase the character string entered in editText
EditText memberET = findViewById(R.id.member_et);  //80th line
memberET.getEditableText().clear();  //Line 83

--For kotlin

//Implement editText to receive the entered characters
val/var variable=editText id.text.toString()
//Erase the character string entered in editText
editText id?.text?.clear()



//Implement editText to receive the entered characters
val groupNum = group_num_et.text.toString()  //Line 33


//Erase the character string entered in editText
member_et?.text?.clear()  //Line 55

It's written a little differently, but the amount of code doesn't change much

How to implement listView

--For java

ListView listView variable name= findViewById(R.id.listView id);
ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,List to put);
listView variables.setAdapter(adapter);



final ArrayList<String> memberL = new ArrayList(intent.getStringArrayListExtra("MEMBER_L"));  //26th line
ListView memberCheckLV = findViewById(R.id.member_check_lv);  //39th line
ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, memberL);

--For kotlin

val adapter = ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,List to put)
listView id.adapter = adapter



val memberL = intent.getStringArrayListExtra("MEMBER_L")  //17th line
val adapter = ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, memberL)  //31st line
member_check_lv.adapter = adapter

The writing style is very different, but the amount of code does not change much


This time, I implemented various functions with java and kotlin. The code itself is different overall, but the amount of code did not change.

This will end the article posting every day for 7 days! Thank you very much!

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