I want to create a dark web SNS with Jakarta EE 8 with Java 11


Right now, I'm trying to create a dark web SNS that exchanges cryptocurrencies. https://github.com/nandaka-furari/DarkwebSNS Since the specifications etc. are written in the README, Java and Jakarta EE will be used for the outline design, assuming that you will refer to it specifically. The main version is Java: 11; Jakarta EE: 8, but we are considering development with the following combinations of versions, including those that do not yet exist.

But I don't know how to develop it at all, so I would like to develop this article as a sample of how to make a Jakarta EE app, so please send me more and more edit requests. This project depends on the following projects: https://github.com/nandaka-furari/DarkwebCommon This will help you create dark web apps.

In addition to README, with Markdown that summarizes reference people and reference pages https://github.com/nandaka-furari/DarkwebSNS/blob/master/MARK.md I'm making Markdown to summarize the problem. https://github.com/nandaka-furari/DarkwebSNS/blob/master/PROBLEM.md

Eclipse Jakarta EE is now under the umbrella of the Eclipse Foundation (EF), so I would like to make it a premise article for developing with Eclipse. I wish I could use Payara Tools.

At the end

Please send issues, READMEs, and other commits to Markdown to GitHub. (Basically, I think it's quite likely if you develop those Markdown) And I would like to summarize the existing Java EE and Jakarta EE Qiita articles here.

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