I want to return to the previous screen with kotlin and java!

Introduction ...

This article was written in 5 previous articles,

** 6th day of article posting every day for 7 days **

It has become

I'll put the code to use below, but see the article five before for the detailed features of this app!

--java version: https://github.com/sato-na/guruwake_java

--kotlin version: https://github.com/sato-na/guruwake_kotlin

↓ This is the main subject of this article ↓

To return to the previous screen in each language ...

How to implement the toolbar

--For java

Toolbar variable name= findViewById(R.id.Toolbar id);



Toolbar whoTb = findViewById(R.id.who_tb);  //30th line

--For kotlin

setSupportActionBar(Toolbar id)



setSupportActionBar(who_tb)  //21st line

java needs to create a ToolBar type variable, but kotlin doesn't need to

How to go back with the back button on the toolbar

--For java

(In the onCreate function)


(Outside the onCreate function)

public boolean onSupportNavigateUp() {
    return super.onSupportNavigateUp();

Example) (In the onCreate function)


getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(true);  //32nd line

(Outside the onCreate function)


@Override  //Line 69
public boolean onSupportNavigateUp() {
    return super.onSupportNavigateUp();

--For kotlin

supportActionBar?.let {  //Line 22
} ?: IllegalAccessException("Toolbar cannot be null")


    android:parentActivityName=".MainActivity" />  //← Add here



supportActionBar?.let {  //Line 22
} ?: IllegalAccessException("Toolbar cannot be null")


<activity  //20th line
    android:parentActivityName=".MainActivity" />

java needs to define code and new functions, kotlin needs to edit code and AndroidManifest.xml


This time I used the toolbar with java and kotlin to return to the previous screen. I felt that both languages required more complex code than screen transitions.

I will post an article tomorrow, so please keep an eye on me.

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