[Java 11] I tried to execute Java without compiling with javac


This post is the 25th day article of Java Advent Calendar 2018. Although I am a beginner, I registered in the empty space for the time being with the spirit of "It is meaningful to participate!"

Despite the last day, I feel sorry for the thin content, but it seems like a beginner, so it's time for Hello World!

Run java without compiling! ??

I heard a rumor from Java11 that java can be executed without compiling with javac, so I will try Hello World. However, there seems to be a limitation such as only when one source file is completed, so I will try that side as well.


OS:Windows 10 Java:Oracle Open JDK 11 Console: Command prompt

First of all, only ordinary Hello World


public class HelloJDK11 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

Try to run

>java HelloJDK11.java

Congratulations, I was able to run it without compiling.

HelloJDK11.class was not created in the directory where HelloJDK11.java exists.

Try compiling with javac

>javac HelloJDK11.java

>java HelloJDK11

As usual, HelloJDK11.class has been created.


>java HelloJDK11.java
error:Class found in application classpath: HelloJDK11

Apparently, if the class file exists on the classpath, executing the java file with the java command will result in an error. After deleting the class file, it can be executed again with java HelloJDK11.java.

Make a method call just in case

public class HelloJDK11 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    private static void callMethod() {


>java HelloJDK11.java

The method call was fine too.

Make java file name and class name alias


public class SorryJDK11 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

~ Same as before, so omitted ~


javaファイル名:HelloJDK11.java Class name: SorryJDK11

Run and compile

>java HelloJDK11.java

>javac HelloJDK11.java
HelloJDK11.java:1:error:Class SorryJDK11 is public and file SorryJDK11.Must be declared in java
public class SorryJDK11 {
1 error

If the java file name and class name do not match,

I can't compile it, but it seems that it can be executed as a java file.

Write a Person class and try new


public class HelloJDK11 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person suzuki = new Person("Suzuki");

class Person {
    private String name;
    public Person(String name) {
        this.name = name;
    public String getName() {
        return this.name;


> java HelloJDK11.java

There were no problems.

Split Person class into separate files

Divide HelloJDK11.java into two files, HelloJDK11.java and Person.java.

>java HelloJDK11.java
HelloJDK11.java:7:error:Can't find symbol
                Person suzuki = new Person("Suzuki");
symbol:Class Person
place:Class HelloJDK11
HelloJDK11.java:7:error:Can't find symbol
                Person suzuki = new Person("Suzuki");
symbol:Class Person
place:Class HelloJDK11
2 errors
error:Compilation failed

A compilation error has occurred!

Restrictions mentioned at the beginning

According to "It must be completed in one source file." A compilation error has occurred.

Once compiled with javac,
>javac HelloJDK11.java

Two files, HelloJDK11.class and Person.class, were created and could be executed with the java command.


When I was training for newcomers, I remember that it was troublesome to javac and java every time, so I was interested in the operation that can be executed without javac in Java 11 this time and made an article.

According to JEP 330, the goal is not to allow Java to run without compilation like a scripting language.

The purpose is to execute a Java file as a command as a shebang (such as #! / Bin / sh on the first line of the shell). ./HelloJDK11 It seems that it can be executed like this. (I will try it next time.)

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