Docker push to GitHub Container Registry (

Make a note of the address as it is long and forgotten.

The format of the docker tag command follows the following.

docker tag <Container name><GitHub username>/<package name>/<Container name>:<tag>

For example:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                           TAG                                              IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
stns-build                           latest                                           449f1c2d3562        4 minutes ago       35.4MB

$ docker tag stns-build:latest

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                               TAG                                              IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
stns-build                               latest                                           449f1c2d3562        6 minutes ago       35.4MB   v0.1                                             449f1c2d3562        6 minutes ago       35.4MB

Finally push.

docker push

If it is played, look at ~ / .docker / config.json. Make sure there is under auths.

    "auths": {
        "": {
            "auth": "xxxx"

If not, issue a Personal Access Token from the GitHub Web UI.


Save Token as ~ / TOKEN.txt and execute the following command.

cat ~/TOKEN.txt | docker login -u <User name> --password-stdin

Execute docker push xxx again.

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