Push the Docker Image distributed by Docker Hub to Google Container Registry and start the VM based on that Image


This article is a memo for myself, so it is not well-formatted. Please note.

Motivation to write an article

It is necessary to deal with the following cases, and to output the procedure etc.

--Digdag, Embulk Have the Docker Image for server construction shared (on Docker Hub) and --Use it to set up a GCP VM and build a server

Reference page

-Container Registry Quick Start --This document describes "How to push Docker Image prepared locally in Container Registry" and "How to pull Docker Image from Container Registry". --In this article, I referred to the former part. -Using Container Registry with Google Cloud -Start Docker container via Cloud-Config --Create and configure instance

Before you start

  1. In the Cloud Console Project Selector Page (https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector2/home/dashboard), select or create a Cloud project.
  2. Make sure billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project. (Reference)
  3. Enable the Container Registry API (https://console.cloud.google.com/flows/enableapi).
  4. Initialize with Install Cloud SDK (https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs).
  5. Install Docker (https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/).
  6. For Ubuntu, debian, etc., let's make it possible to execute the docker command without sudo by restarting sudo usermod -a -G docker $ {USER} +

List of procedures

  1. Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub
  2. Push the (pulled) Docker Image to the Container Registry
  3. Start the VM based on the Docker Image pushed to Container Registry
  4. Clean up to avoid being charged

1. Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub

This time, I will use busybox as an example.

docker pull busybox:latest
# check image
docker image ls
busybox     latest  6d5fcfe5ff17  8 months ago  1.22MB

2. Push the (pulled) Docker Image to the Container Registry

2.1. Configure docker to use the gcloud command line tool as an authentication helper

Below, quoted from the reference page

To push or pull an image, you need to configure Docker to authenticate requests to Container Registry using the gcloud command-line tool. To do this, run the following command (you only need to run it once):

gcloud auth configure-docker

2.2. Tag the image with the registry name

docker push normally pushes to Docker Hub. If you want to push to a specific location, it seems to be controlled by rewriting the registry name tag.

Quoted from the reference page

Before you can push a Docker image to Container Registry, you need to tag the image with the registry name. When you tag a Docker image with a registry name, the docker push command is configured to push the image to a specific location. In this quickstart, the host location is gcr.io. To tag the Docker image, run the following command:

docker tag busybox gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/busybox:v1
# check img
REPOSITORY                   TAG  IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE
gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/busybox  v1   6d5fcfe5ff17  8 months ago  1.22MB

2.3. Push the image into the Container Registry

docker push gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/busybox:v1

3. Start the VM based on the Docker Image pushed to Container Registry

* Consider a case where VM is started once with GUI </ font>

From the GCP dashboard screen, move to the VM instance startup screen by following the flow ComputeEngine-> VM instance.

On the VM startup screen, enter that an instance will be created from the container image (see the figure below).


In container image, describe the path of the container image pushed in advance as described in the example. When specifying the container image stored in ContainerRagistry, the path will be gcr.io / ....

  • By default, the image saved in GCR in the same project as this VM is given the authority to pull, so there is no need to adjust the access authority. If this is not the case, you need to grant the service account that is trying to pull the image the appropriate permissions to the GCS bucket that contains the container image. (Reference)

All you have to do is press the VM instance creation button.

4. Clean up to avoid being charged

4.1. Container Registry cleanup

According to Using Container Registry with Google Cloud (https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/using-with-google-cloud-platform)

gcloud container images delete gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/busybox:v1 --force-delete-tags

I heard that it can be executed with, but I could not delete Docker Image from the gcloud command due to the following error.

ERROR: (gcloud.container.images.delete) [gcr.io/[PROJECT-ID]/busybox:v1] is not a valid name. Expected tag in the form "base:tag" or "tag" or digest in the form "sha256:<digest>"

(Currently under investigation ...)

This time, delete the corresponding image of GCR from Google Cloud Console.

I'm going, but I can't find it. .. .. .. (?)

4.2. Compute Engine cleanup

Delete the VM instance in the Google Cloud Console.

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