In the configuration where I saved the Docker image in Amazon ECR and deployed it to Fargate with AWS CodePipeline, the deployment failed. There seems to be something wrong with the container, so I want to check the container. In that situation, I dropped the Docker image from ECR and wanted to check it, but I always forget how to do it, so I will leave it as a memorandum.
$ docker pull
When I executed the above command, an authentication error occurred. (Select the URL of the image by selecting ECR in the AWS console) If you check here, it seems that registry authentication is required.
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Log in with this. Note that there was no get-login-password in aws cli v1. It may be necessary to set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN in the environment variables in advance.
If this succeeds, re-execute the docker pull and it will succeed.
$ docker images
First, check that the image has been added with the above command.
$ docker run -it /bin/bash
Finally, enter / bin/bash
to put it in the container with bash. Feel free to do the rest.
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