Created a Docker container image for an OpenLDAP server based on Fedora

What is this?

Set up an OpenLDAP server with Docker.

How to do

Although it is my work, please use Image on Docker Hub.


docker pull sengokyu/openldap

Specify the base DN and start. This time, it is set to dc = example, dc = com.


docker run -d -p 389:389 -e SUFFIX=dc=example,dc=com sengokyu/openldap

Connect from Apache Directory Studio

Start Apache Directory Studio.

Select the LDAP> New Connection ... menu.


Enter localhost for the Hostname and click Next.


Enter the Bind DN or user and password and click Finish.

Enter the Root DN for Bind DN. If the Root DN and password are not specified, it will start with the following values.

cn = root, (specified SUFFIX) (In the above example, it will be `cn = root, dc = example, dc = com`)


I was able to connect.

About Docker images

It is created based on Fedora.

As of October 2020, the versions are as follows.

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