[RAILS] Until you push to Github

I had a lot of trouble before pushing to GitHub I would like to record it again so that it will not be the same.


1. Creating a repository

-Click New in Repositories on GitHub --Enter your favorite name (name of the app you are making) in Repository name ――Please decide Public (public) Private (private) as you like --Completion of repository creation with create Repository

2. From init to commit with VS Code

--Click Open Folder to open the project you want to push and enter the code below


$ git init
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "comment"

Select all files under the current directory with add -A Leave a commit message with commit -m

Now you are ready to push!

  1. push


$ git remote add origin https://github.com/username/Repository name_app.git
$ git push -u origin master


Now push is done. If this doesn't work, I'll edit it again. If you have any other advice or suggestions, please let us know.

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