Pass environment variables to docker container

Environment variables can be passed with the -e option when running docker run. Used to pass configuration information.

$ docker run --help | grep -e "-e"
  -e, --env list                       Set environment variables


$ docker run -it --rm -e HOGE=FUGA -e AAA=BBB centos:centos8 /bin/bash 
[root@45aa4a408e51 /]# echo $HOGE
[root@45aa4a408e51 /]# echo $AAA
[root@45aa4a408e51 /]# 

You can also pass environment variables from a file in which environment variables are written by using --env-file.


$ docker run --env-file ./.env_test --rm -it centos:centos8 /bin/bash
[root@d9801c8c2542 /]# echo $HOGE
[root@d9801c8c2542 /]# echo $A
[root@d9801c8c2542 /]# echo $TEST

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