How to set environment variables when using Payjp with Rails


macOS Ruby 2.6.5 Rails


I used Payjp in my Rails application. At that time, I didn't know how to set the environment variables, so I'll keep it as a memorandum.

Goal you want to achieve

Being able to handle environment variables through Payjp.

The problem you want to solve

It is not good for security to put the private key or public key directly in the code. Therefore, I would like to handle private and public keys using environment variables.

Environment variable

The value of the environment variable can be used from Rails by writing ENV [''].

Local environment

After Catalina


Application name% vim ~/.zshrc

Before Catalina


Application name% vim ~/.bash_profile

Do the above in the terminal.


//First press "i" to enter input mode
export PAYJP_ACCESS_KEY='sk_test_*************'
export PAYJP_PUBLIC_KEY='pk_test_*************'
//Then press esc:with wq.Exit from zshrc

Application name% source ~/.zshrc

The source command is a command that executes the command written in the file in the current shell. It is mainly used to reflect the shell configuration file.

If you just change the environment variable, rails will only read the environment variable before the change. Therefore, if the application is running, it will be closed once. Then log in again with rails s in the terminal with the modified environment variables.

In order to handle the set environment variables, describe them in the controller in the following format.


#Credit card storage
  def create
    Payjp.api_key = ENV["PAYJP_PRIVATE_KEY"]
    if params['payjp-token'].blank?
      render :new
      customer = Payjp::Customer.create(
        card: params['payjp-token'],
        metadata: {user_id:}
      @card =
        card_id: customer.default_card
        redirect_to root_path, notice: "Your credit card has been registered"
        render :new, notice: "Credit card registration failed"

The above example sentence is a process to tokenize and save the credit card information entered in the form.

Production environment

Also, the files in which environment variables are set differ between the local environment and the production environment.


[ec2-user ~]$ sudo vim /etc/environment


//First press "i" to enter input mode
//Then press esc:with wq/etc/Exit the environment
//Log in to ec2 with ssh again

As with the local environment, you will need to restart or redeploy unicorn when you set or modify environment variables.

At the end

I hope this article is of some help to you.


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