How to install Pry after building Rails development environment with Docker


macOS 10.15.5 Rails Docker 19.03.12


After building the Rails development environment with Docker, I try to use Console. The IRB is displayed as shown below.


However, I will show you how to install ** Pry **, which is useful for Rails development, after building a Rails development environment with Docker.

Add Gemfile


gem "pry-rails"
gem "pry-byebug"


$ bundle install

Then try running the Console.


$ rails console

However, an error occurred and the following message was displayed at the end of the error statement.


`autodetect': Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes. (ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable)

It looks like a "JavaScript runtime not found" error. So I tried to install node.js. Install node.js using homebrew.


$ brew install nodejs

Then run the console.

$ rails console
[1] pry(main)>

We have successfully installed and implemented Pry!

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