[RUBY] How to execute with commands of normal development language in Docker development environment

In the Docker development environment, it is necessary to operate with commands specific to the Docker development environment, but we will introduce a method that allows you to develop with the same commands as when executing commands in the script language in the local environment.


Docker 19.03.8 Ruby 2.5 Rails 5.2

Differences between running in Docker and a local development environment

For example, the following commands used in the development of Ruby on Rails

$ rails db:migrate

When executing this command with Docker

$ docker-compose run web rails db:migrate

The command looks like this. There are other operation methods, but if you develop with Ruby on Rails, normal commands of Ruby and Rails are easier. In that case, execute the command according to the following procedure.

Preparing to develop with normal Ruby commands

Launch Docker.

$ docker-compose start

Look up the container name.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
a9b19e00552e        recipegram_web      "entrypoint.sh bash …"   44 hours ago        Up 11 seconds>3000/tcp   recipegram_web_1
975875c12c76        postgres            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   46 hours ago        Up 12 seconds       5432/tcp                 recipegram_db_1

Enter the container name and execute the following command.

$ docker exec -it a9b19e00552e bash

Then it will switch like this, so in this state you can develop with Ruby or Rails execution command ^ _ ^


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